Happiness or Peace of Mind?

Happiness or peace – which holds greater value in our lives? Which do you and I hanker after?

Obviously happiness. We all want to be happy; with what we have, who we love, who loves us, what we can achieve, what will bring comfort to us. After all, who cares about “peace of mind” when happiness surrounds us? Right?


We live in a world that 100% of the time prioritizes the pursuit of happiness over the quest for inner peace. We seek happiness from possessions and people – sources that we believe will bring us everlasting happiness. We are happy when things go our way and unhappy when they do not. As children, we are given toys to keep us happy. As adults, we do the same, we acquire possessions to make us happy…in essence, all we’ve done is change our toys.

Our problem is that we expect our external sources of happiness to also bring us peace of mind. How foolish is that?

Being happy when we get something is animal nature. Being happy without having or wanting anything is the nature of the spiritually advanced soul.

People say, “happiness is a choice,” and while this is true to some extent, it overlooks the deeper truth that peace of mind is a state of being. Happiness is often dependent on external circumstances – we are happy when things go our way, and unhappy when they do not. Peace of mind, on the other hand, is independent of external factors. It is a state of inner calm and contentment that remains unaffected by the ups and downs of life.

In the pursuit of happiness, we chase after fleeting moments of joy, seeking fulfillment in possessions, achievements, and relationships. Yet, these sources of happiness are transient, leaving us constantly craving more.

On the other hand, peace of mind is a state of inner calm and contentment that transcends the ups and downs of life. It is not about denying ourselves happiness but rather finding a deeper, more lasting fulfillment that comes from within.

Is it not time to stop chasing happiness AND find what already exists within?

Happiness is for chumps….peace of mind is WHAT EVERY SOUL WANTS us to achieve.