[Detangling] the Web of Attachments

Attachments are those invisible chains that tie us to our loved ones. Much like the warmth of sunlight, relationships bring immeasurable joy, lighting up the canvas of our existence with vibrant hues. However, it is in these very bonds that we discover the dual nature of attachments – both a source of profound happiness and …

The Multifacetedness of Truth.

Anekantvad, or “the doctrine of non-absolutism,” invites us to embrace the richness of reality. At its core, it acknowledges that truth is like a multifaceted gem, reflecting different facets depending on individual viewpoints. Anekantvad, also known as “the doctrine of non-absolutism,” nudges us to see the big picture. It’s like saying, “Hey, reality isn’t just …

Choosing Solitude is Not the Same as Being Anti-Social

I’m a people person. I enjoy the energy of social interactions—the laughter, conversations, and shared experiences, which are a source of fun and connection. However, there’s an equally cherished part of my life—I revel in my own company. Solitude, to me, is not an escape from people; it’s a sanctuary where I reconnect with the …

Footprints of Intentions: Navigating the Soul’s Journey

In our journey through life, our intentions act like a guide, shaping our thoughts, actions, and the impact we make on the path we tread. More than fleeting thoughts, intentions are the compass that directs every step we take, whether we are conscious of them or not. They wield the power to shape our experiences …

Aparigraha – The Art of Non-Possession

So, here’s a personal revelation that hit me like a ton of bricks as I wrote “What Every Soul Wants,” my book on spirituality. As I deep-dived into the principles of non-possession, I couldn’t resist turning that introspective lens onto my own lifestyle. After all, what’s the point of writing about something that I don’t …

Embarking on a Journey Within: The enigma of our “higher self”

Imagine a serene lake reflecting the brilliance of the full moon. That vast, tranquil lake symbolizes our everyday awareness while the radiant moon above represents our higher self—a divine aspect that transcends limitations, guiding us with wisdom and boundless potential. Intrigued? Then read on. Connecting with our higher self is essential because our higher self: is an infinite …

Are you religious or are you spiritual?

So, 7 in 10 U.S. adults claim they’re spiritual, with 22% waving the banner of being spiritual but not religious. Does this stat make you pause? It sure did me. Now, its all about nuance, and I get it – there’s this fine line between religion and spirituality. But here’s a thought: isn’t being spiritual …

What Silence Taught Me

I’ve been on a transformative journey over the past few years. And one of the activities I undertook during my journey was giving myself a daily timeout. In the initial stages, these timeouts were brief, just a few minutes each day. However, as I started relishing the moments away from life’s incessant noise and distractions, …